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Tanjung Manis Day & Belawai Festival Day

Date: 15 - 17 March 2013
Venue: Belawai

In conjunction with State Level World Forestry Day, Tanjung Manis Day & Belawai Festival Day, a joint opening ceremony was held at Belawai Beach graced by our Chief Minister, Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud. Tanjung Manis Integrated Port Sdn. Bhd was among the numerous government link agencies (GLC) & government departments putting up their respective exhibition booths to showcase their products and services. The Chief Minister visited TMP`s booth and signed the visitor`s book after which he was briefed by TMP Executive Director Puan Sadiah Tu on TMP`s latest developments. Among the dignitaries were YB Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah bin Ali Hassan, Minister of Resource Planning and Environment (II) Minister of Public Utilities Minister, Datu Len Talif Salleh, Assistant Minister in Chief Minister`s Office (Promotion of Technical Education) who was also former Chairman of TMP during its formation period in 2009 and also Datu Haji Sarudu, current Chairman of TMP and General Manager of STIDC.

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