Saturday, 27 July 2024

Company Profile

Tanjung Manis Integrated Port Sdn Bhd (TMP) located at latitude 20 08’N l;ongitude 1110 21’E at right side of Tanjung Sebubal along the upper north bank of the Rajang River, is a fast growing port poised to play as a main trade gateway for Central Region Sarawak.

TMP is a GLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC) was appointed as an approved port operator on 26th February 2009 to operate, manage and develop the Tanjung Manis Port at Tg. Manis, Mukah Division, Sarawak. TMP commenced its official operation on 1st July, 2009 and successfully handled its maiden vessel on 4th August 2009.  TMP manages three (3) centres namely Tanjung Manis Terminal, Oil Gas Chemical (OGC) Jetty and Tanjung Manis Anchorages.  The Tanjung Manis Terminal caters mainly ocean-borne containerized trade, the OGC jetty handles Bulk Fuel Oil, whilst the anchorages handles timber logs, sawn timber and coal.

With a steady stream of in-bound project cargoes for the ongoing development and construction of the various industries in tandem with the development of SCORE, TMP is geared up to be the focal point and catalyst in the transformation of the Tanjung Manis hinterland and Central Region in general. 


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