Saturday, 27 July 2024

Safety Compliance

TMP is pleased to announce that it has successfully implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System complying with OHSAS 18001:2007 in the provision of Cargo Handling Services covering receipt, storage and delivery to customers.

This certification is part of TMP’s continuous efforts to improve its delivery services ensuring safe working conditions with zero injury time and meeting safety standards of Oil and Gas industry for its operation of Oil, Gas and Chemical Jetty. With the conformance of improved safety standards in its operation, our customers can rest assured of minimized risks of damage to their cargo and as a result will lower the cost of insurance premium.

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certificate certificate



On 18th January, 2011, TMP received the Certificate of Compliance to the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code from the Marine Department, Malaysia. The certificate of compliance to the ISPS Code (Port Security) is testimony of TMP’s commitment to shippers operating through TMP that they are working in a safe and secure environment in accordance with the requirements of the International Maritime Organisation. With TMP recognized as ISPS Code Compliance, TMP will be reckoned as one of the important and safe ports by the shipping fraternity.

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